Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion [whether angelic or human], and [far above] every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and world but also in the one to come. Ephesians 1:21 AMP

There's an African proverb which says "you believe your farm is the largest, until you enter another person's farm". An individual may be a 'local champion' until someone bigger and stronger, or richer appears on the scene; then they realize what they had was nothing in comparison. We have heard stories about certain names and/or powers from the dark world of magic, witchcraft and the occult, that causes both men and women to tremble and to be cautious. But we have just read in our scripture that there is no name that is more powerful than the name of Jesus Christ. It is far above every human name that can be mentioned. It is far above any occultic or magic title that can be conferred; the name of Jesus Christ is far above any and all forms of sickness. If anything has a name or title tagged to it, know that Jesus Christ is above it. Read the scripture again: every title that can be conferred not only this age but in subsequent generations after us. Apply the name of Jesus Christ; He has given us permission to invoke his name and power. Don't be silent: speak the name over anything or anyone troubling your peace.

Let's pray: We invoke and unleash the power in the name of Jesus Christ over anyone troubling us and over everything taking away our peace. May the power in your name Jesus Christ, deal with them. Amen