I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants. Deuteronomy 30:19 AMP

Let's imagine for a moment shall we, that we're part of the crowd listening to old man Moses. He's been going on and on for some time now. We're already muttering about how these old folks can talk, especially about things we already know. Then just before he ends his long speech, he says 'I've made you aware of the two options available to you: life or death, I'm begging you, please choose life'. Moses! Who doesn't want to live? Who will go out and say 'death I choose you'? No one. We would all choose life and the blessings that follow wouldn't we? Shockingly, some people have spurned the option of the life Moses referred to. Some of us have loved the world so much that there's no room for the Lord of Life. Our lives are so full of ourselves and our possessions that we have no room for God or his Christ. The world calls and we follow. Jesus himself said "what profit is there to gain the whole world and lose your soul"?  Do we realize what Moses was actually referring to? Those options he presented, are still available to us this day: choose life so you may live, choose the blessings that come from living in obedience and faith in God. What choice will we make? May it be the wise choice for us all.

Let's pray: I confess that you Lord, are my first and my last. I choose you Lord God Almighty, today and forever. Amen