But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His Kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right - the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. Matthew 6:33 AMP

As followers of Christ, when Christ, the one we're following speaks, we need to focus and take note of his message. Jesus speaking in the verse above, tells us to make God number One in our lives. He's asking us to place God first in everything we do and even in our relationships. Why? Let's go down memory lane. Do you remember how blessed the widow of Zarepath was after putting Elijah first? When she gave her last meal to him before her son and herself? Now think about it for a minute. If by obedience to the man of God she escaped poverty, hunger and death, how much more will it be good for us if we do God's own first? It's so much easier to give when we're swimming in plenty. It takes faith to give when you don't know where the next meal or payment is coming. It takes faith to put God first when everything screams no. Yet, in obeying and doing exactly what God is asking, we too can escape shame, poverty, hunger and reproach. God will release his miracles when we put him first. We're also being asked to strive after God's character; his way of doing things. As children of God, we're to imitate our Father just as our natural children do. May we not attempt to use "street wisdom" to play smart with God and mess up our lives. Christ promises that we will be rewarded handsomely when God is first.

Let's pray:  my Father and my God, I pledge to put you first in all aspects of my life. Reveal your character and person to me and bless me as I follow you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen