All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 28:2 AMP

If you're looking for any kind or type of blessing for a good progressive life, then  Deuteronomy 28 is the go-to place. It is the Chamber of Blessings. It covers material, physical, financial, spiritual and even mental blessings. Moses covered all bases that would make life glorious and peaceful. He even released blessings to frighten and overcome enemies; think about that! But like every promise or blessing in the Bible, we have to work it out. By faith and through obedience. Moses begins his string of blessings with a condition: if. If you do this then you will get this. And what is he asking from us? Obedience. He's asking us to pay particular attention to all God is saying to us and asking of us. To live our lives, God's way. In one of his letters, Paul says what God is asking of us, is not "grievous" and it is for our own good. Look at it this way; we do God's will and he blesses us beyond what we're asking for. Is there anything so important we would want to miss an opportunity of being blessed by God? God is not asking for much; he's asking for all of us not a lip-service relationship. He's asking for total obedience. He's asking that we will give him the opportunity to bless us. He's asking for a heart that beats for him alone.

Let's pray: no one can compete with the love you have for us. May we not disappoint you in our relationship. Holy Spirit, breath afresh on us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen