And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 AMP

I'd like you to take a journey with me. We're walking and chatting with Jesus Christ. We're talking about many things and you mention casually that you need something; you have a need for a particular thing. Then you Jesus directly: Jesus can you give me this thing I need? What do you think Jesus will say or do? Do you think he will search his pockets and come back empty and say 'sorry I don't have', or 'My Father and I, we don't have this in our stores yet, but we will see if we can find it and then get it to you'. Or at the very extreme Jesus will say 'what do you need it for? You've already had one earlier, I can't give you another, it will get finished'. Is that your thinking when you ask God or Jesus for a need? Then read the scripture again. Our God "will liberally supply" meaning he will give until it's literally overflowing, filled to the brim and running over. God is not stingy. He is the God who gives until we're swimming in his goodness. He says in his word that "our expectations will not be cut off". Meaning, he will give us fully to meet all of our expectations; he won't give in short measures so we end up disappointed. No way. His storehouse is never empty and if, perchance, he doesn't have, he can create it out of nothing just for you and I.

Let's pray: Father, renew our minds and our thinking. Let us walk with a renewed faith that you can do exceeding more than we ask. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen