The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Corinthians 10:4 AMP
The next time you think you have no power, think again. Every Christian has been equipped with spiritual weapons for our spiritual battle. Some Christians say they don't want to fight or attract the enemy's attention so they'd rather keep quiet, not pray or say anything that will cause any attention. The truth of the matter is, the day we gave our lives to Christ, that day saw us enrolled in the Lord's army and equipped to fight. The day we left the devil's camp, that day we became his enemies. He's so jealous because we're covered by the blood, we're loved by God and we're going to heaven which he can't get into. We also know that the devil doesn't fight according to the rules; he's a dirty street fighter and the father of lies. That's why we have to continually be alert, with our full armour in place and our weapons at the ready. Our weapons are divinely powerful and can pull down mighty fortresses. Our missiles are guided by the force of the Holy Spirit to hit the target. The weapons we have, have the power to destroy and cut through anything and everything that sets 'itself against the true knowledge of God'. In other words, it has the power and ability to destroy lies, mental torture, physical obstacles, spiritual powers and wickedness in high places. We have the weapons; wouldn't you rather try it out ? Wouldn't you rather try out your weapon instead of being a sitting target? Don't hoard your weapons without using them. Be a Warlord in God's army.
Let's pray: Father, I take a stand to engage and activate my weapons of warfare. May they bring down every form of resistance and opposition against me through the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.