It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 AMP.

You will agree with me that getting lost isn't a good feeling. It wastes your time, energy and leaves you frustrated. Sometimes, even in places we think we know very well, we may take a wrong turn or miss a landmark, or fail to recognize the area due to recent construction changes. We however, have an inner compass and guide if we will listen to him and follow him. Not only to get to where we're going but to follow the right path for our lives. It's very easy to veer off the path of God and into paths laid out by man. It's so easy to miss God's mark and create a new target for ourselves outside of God's will. Yet, if we allow God to, he will lead and guide us continuously and we will never get lost. Our scripture today tells us that God will go before us. If God goes ahead of us, we must be willing to follow him. There's no point in going ahead of us if we do not follow. The verse goes on to say "he will not fail or abandon us". In other words, we're assured of his unfailing presence. God is always around us but do we notice him? To benefit from his presence and guidance we need to acknowledge him constantly. How? By tuning in and filtering out the world in our lives, daily. If we can go through a whole day without acknowledging God, then we're saying we don't need him. May we never forget our guide who knows the best way to go.

Let's pray: Father, may we be careful to follow your voice and guidance in this world. Please let your presence go before us always. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen