The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:27a AMP

A safety net, as it's name suggests, provides safety and protection against a fall. It's there to catch anyone working or walking at dizzying heights, from falling to the ground and dying. The job of the safety net is done when it's able to catch a falling person. It is no longer a safety net if it's unable to stop a fall. Would you say God has stopped you time and time again from falling? Falling from self destructive habits or falling into the traps set by man? Has God prevented you from falling to the tricks and lies of men? Has God prevented a fall? He is our ultimate safety net, our ultimate 'catcher'. The triumvate God works as our safety net. He prevents and delivers us from falling. And when we do fall as we invariably will, he is there to catch us. He steps between us and any danger. He is our refuge, our shield and our life guard. Each time we awake, we awake with God's hands already stretched out beneath us. We might not see them but his hands are already open to catch us should we fall. Waiting to straighten us out should we trip. Waiting to stop anything from hitting us. And more importantly, waiting to hold our hands so we walk side by side with him.

Let's pray: Thank you Father for the nail pierced hands of Christ. We've held on to it. Help us never to let go. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen