Seek the Lord [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life]. Zephaniah 2:3a AMP

Does this verse remind you of another verse in the Bible? Yes and it is in Jeremiah 29:13. God's word tells us that when we seek him as a vital necessity for our lives, he will be found by us; He will reward, restore and ensure we're back on his original plan for our lives. In our verse for the day, we're told to cling on to God as if our lives depend on it, and in fact it does. We are being told to make him the prime necessity, the foremost necessity of our lives. Why? Because if we choose God, and make him first in our lives, all things will fall into place; everything that matters to us will align with his will for us; everything that matters to us will matter to God, and that's just one of his rewards. But what does it even mean to search diligently for God? It's right there in the verse: by making God our foremost priority and not an add-on. We don't do life like we own life and remember God only when we're stuck. If we were to pick three things that would enable us survive in life, all our three free choices should be God. That's because we acknowledge that without him there is no life. When we realize that without God life is no life, seeking him diligently becomes second nature. Just like breathing in the air to live, so do we need God. Each and every day, our conscious choice should be God.

Let's pray: Our Father and our love. Thank you for being our pillar and our keeper. May the bond between us remain unbroken until the return of Christ. Amen