A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but danger will not come near you. Psalm 91:7

Our pillar and keeper, our God in whom we can trust and rely upon. Our very confident hope in times of trouble. The God who keeps and strengthens us. A pillar provides support and holds up a structure from breaking down. In certain buildings, pillars are decorative, aesthetic beauty to the overall building or room. What God is saying to us is that not only will he be our support system, but he will also cause our lives to be beautiful. He will ensure that we do not fall or break down; he is our support, our backbone, our spine. He will ensure that we stand up tall in the face of all kinds of chaos and confusion. He will keep us from any dangers. He will be there for us in the thick of affairs and will ensure we do not get hurt. If you're reading this today, you can testify to this fact. When people were dropping all around us in the pandemic, God kept us, you, me. Not because we were better than the others but because of the truth of his word in our lives. So we have a testimony too, and a story to share about the truth of God's word. We can say with all conviction that God keeps his word and he is indeed our pillar and our keeper.

Let's pray: May your mighty arms always hold us up and keep us until the return of Christ Jesus. Amen