Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them". Psalm 126:2 AMP

The Lord has done some great things for us but I don't think he's started yet. There are bigger and better miracles God is preparing that will soon materialize in our lives. If only we would ask big. If only our faith would transport us beyond the confines of small thinking. If we would challenge ourselves to ask for "hard things". Things only God can possibly do. Things that would cause our fountains of joy to burst wide open that our nay-sayers would be talking about it, long after it has happened. There's a story about a little girl who always asked her father for a coin, a penny. Each time she did, her father would say "ask me for more". But in her little mind, the penny was sufficient. Like the little girl, we think what we're asking for, is too big or great for God to do but God is telling us to ask him to do more. We're happy with what we're receiving now but there's more from where that answer came from. That miracle, that will make it impossible to keep quiet, that miracle that will make people ask "are you the only child of God?", that miracle that will cause us to laugh and cry at the same time; that's what we're asking for. May our faith move us to the point where we believe God totally to ask for "hard things".

Let's pray: Father, let your blessings so transform our lives that our fountains of joy will burst forth and remain open. We ask and pray in faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen