
"HE HAS SENT ME TO ANNOUNCE RELEASE (pardon, forgiveness) TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy), TO PROCLAIM THE FAVOURABLE YEAR OF THE LORD [the day when salvation and the favour of God abound greatly]". Luke 4:18b-19 AMP

Every category of need, is addressed in this verse above. If our sins are accusing us before man and before God, the Son is in; to forgive, to pardon and to grant us amnesty from the cruel bondage sin ties us to. If we have no clue on what to do, no presence of mind, no vision or plans; God provides light and clarity of mind. He gives us wisdom when we ask for it; he gives to us liberally. At the very core of our beings, we all have a need for hope, we have a need for someone bigger than the circumstances we're going through. We're looking for someone who will step in and heal the battering of our souls and spirits. A champion who will free us from the shackles of pain; physical, emotional and mental trauma. Our Champion is in. His saving grace still works to heal and bring a renewed hope to our battered souls. Our Champion has come to announce that today is the day the Lord has made, just for you and I. Today is the set time for us to receive God's favour and bounty. Today is the day to walk with our heads high and our hearts filled with joy. Our Champion is providing life beyond the no; the rejection, beyond the despair, beyond the suffering. Our Champion comes with freedom. God fulfilled so many promises when Jesus came to earth as a baby and as man. May we dare to hope and trust that He will fulfill His promises to us as well.

Let’s pray: Abba Father, fulfill your promises to me in my lifetime. Let me enjoy your goodness in the land of the living. Amen