Seeing Jesus, he cried out [with a terrible voice from the depths of his throat] and fell down before Him [in dread and terror]. Luke 8:28a AMP

Nothing and no one can stop us from worshipping God, except ourselves. And the only way we will stop worshipping God is when we fail to acknowledge who God truly is and his immense power over everything. Even the mad man filled with so many demons recognized Christ for who he was; he recognized the supremacy of Christ and fell before him. His inner demons couldn't stop him from prostrating before Christ. When the Philistines stole the Ark, and placed it in the same room as their god, they found their god on his face, flat before the Ark and presence of God. Twice their god was on his face, broken before God. Even they understood that their god was nothing before the original God. No one can stop us from worshipping God, not even the devil. Worshipping God is recognizing and acknowledging that we are nothing before him; that he is so much greater than we are. Worship is when we recall the great and mighty things God has done and we humble ourselves before him because of that.  Worship is when we 'fall down before him', mind, soul and body, and surrender all we're holding on, all that inhabits us, all that we are, over to God. May we not be so full of ourselves that we fail to yield to God in worship.

Let's pray: I worship you today, God of all flesh. You who has no beginning or ending, I surrender myself to you. Pick me up and do something beautiful with my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen