And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe]. Colossians 1:17 AMP

Who is God? He is the controlling and cohesive force who holds the entire universe together. If there's no God, there's nothing that we know that would exist. It is because he exists that everything else is. Who is God? He is the God who is before the rising of the sun, the God who exists before all things. He is before the beginning and there after the ending. Our God is no ordinary God. He does not live in time, yet knows exactly what goes on in time. In Him, everything and everyone comes together. As Abraham called him, "The Lord, the possessor of heaven and earth". Psalm 24:1 tells us '"the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof". At his presence, the ancient gates that refuse to open to us, swing wide open. If we believe in God and the magnitude of his power, we should live above the ordinary because our God is not ordinary. One of our well quoted scriptures says "God is not man that he should lie. Has he said it, and will he not do it?" God is not an ordinary God. Let's hold fast and trust that as he has said it, so will he perform it in our lives.

Let's pray: You are God alone. May your glory and your power to be exhibited in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen