
For out of His fullness [the superabundance of His grace and truth] we have all received grace upon grace [spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, favour upon favour, and gift heaped upon gift]. John 1:16 AMP

Scripture tells us that on a daily basis, God loads us with benefits. The Word used is loads. God doesn't give just enough to get by, he ensures we have more than enough. It's like going to the market to buy an item, and the seller keeps adding even when you say it's enough. There's a parallel verse in Luke 6:38; giving and receiving back in good measure, pressed down and running over. God will never ask us to do something that he can't do or something that he's never done before. In our verse above, we understand that none of us missed God's distribution list. Each and everyone has received and is still receiving from God's fullness. Each and everyone of us has been loaded with grace upon grace, favour upon favour, gift heaped upon gift. What's our excuse to complain and murmur that God has not done enough for us? What we've done with our gifts, is our own business. Whether we've recognized God's giving is another issue altogether. But one thing we know for sure is that we too, we have received from God; bountifully. May we acknowledge and thank God for his gifts. May we begin to walk in the fullness of what we have received. May we not complain that God has left us behind, because he hasn't. God cannot leave us out, he will give more than we dare to ask or think according to his wealth and riches.

Let’s pray: God of wonders, do your wonders in my life once again. Let your abundance flow unhindered into my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen