And in no way be alarmed or intimidated [in anything] by your opponents, for such [constancy and fearlessness on your part] is a [clear] sign [a proof and seal] for them of [their impending] destruction, but [a clear sign] for you of deliverance and salvation, and that too, from God. Philippians 1:28 AMP

No one can claim to know God fully. But I'm tempted to believe that each time we stand our ground to do battle with the devil and his cohorts, God goes through a moment of great pride. Pride in our ability to stand and fight in the power and dominion he's given us. Pride in our determination to fight the devil instead of running away like cowards. I bet he'll say something like "she's a chip off the old block" or "look at my son's boldness and skillful tactics". And you know what else I think? He'll release his host of angels to support us win the fight. In our scripture for the day, we're being told to be in no way alarmed or intimidated by any opposition. Why? Because when we stand our ground and face the enemy, two things happen. Our boldness and fearlessness will either chase them away, and we win. Or we stand and fight and we win, because we're fighting with God on our side. Whichever way, we win. May this knowledge prevent us from running away at the least opposition in our lives. May we begin to face our battles head on knowing that we're not alone. May we begin to intimidate those things that harassed us in the past, through the power in the name of Jesus Christ. May we stand our ground us children of the Most High God. May our days of running away from battles be over.

Let's pray: Father, as we engage in battle send help speedily. Let us walk in the victory of the finished work of the cross daily. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen