But you are fellow citizens with the saints (God's people), and are members of God's household. Ephesians 2:19b AMP

Have you ever wanted to partake or enjoy a certain special service but you were told it was "exclusive and for members only"? You can imagine how the Gentiles felt when they were excluded from worshipping God and enjoying his grace and mercy. They knew something good was happening but they just couldn't participate in it. They were outsiders and so would we have been but for Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for sending Jesus Christ, and to Jesus Christ for agreeing to come. Without Jesus coming to earth to break those barriers separating us from entering into God's household, we would still have been outsiders, spiritual orphans, spiritual neglects. But through his death and resurrection, anyone who believes is saved. Any one who believes automatically gets into the household of God. Anyone who believes can claim lineage with all the saints, God's generals and everyone in the kingdom of God. Awesome! Anyone who believes can call on God. I can link my name with that of Elijah. You can link yours to David. We all belong to the same house. If we've found such a good thing, why do we keep it to ourselves? We have to get more people to join this family of God; so they too can enjoy the blessings and benefits of belonging to the household of God. Won't you share God with others?

Let's pray: Thank you for Father for making us part of your family. Thank you for the blessings, grace and mercy we enjoy. May we open up your doors to others to come in.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen