But let all who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; because You cover and shelter them, let those who love Your name be joyful and exult in You. Psalm 5:11 AMP

May every child of Jehovah, sing for joy all the days of their lives. May we have deep and lasting joy that can never be displaced. May God grant us more than enough reason to be joyful, not only in his presence but in all circumstances. And may we always have reason to bless God for his goodness in our lives. Amen. Joy is a gift; a supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit. In fact, it is one of the fruits of the Spirit which every believer must have and exhibit. If you don't have joy, or can't have joy, then there's a huge question mark about your rebirth as a child of God. Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is fickle and relies on happy circumstances. As soon as those circumstances are removed, happiness also leaves. As believers, our joy is not in an event or circumstance. Our joy is the person who brings joy. Our joy is in the Lord, our joy is of the Lord and our joy is the Lord. Joy is found in God's presence and God's presence is everywhere. Therefore, we must have joy everywhere and anywhere; in the desert, in the storms, on the waves and even in the fire. Thats because God's presence is always with us and we're never alone. The Holy Spirit may have deposited joy in us, but it's up to us to draw up this joy. It's up to us to respond to joy. Joy is a deliberate act and the choice is left with us. May joy not become a worthless gift. May the world see a difference through the joy we show. May our lives be enriched through the joy we spread.

Let’s pray: Give us a joyful heart and countenance this week Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen