If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good at all. 1 Corinthians 13:3 AMP

The foundation of  Christianity is love. John 3:16 teaches us that it was out of God's love that he gave. He gave because he loved. He didn't give Christ because we knew him or had made up our minds to walk with him. In fact, he gave us Christ, when we were still sinners. This is true love and the mega difference between Christianity and other religions. When we preach Christ genuinely and share this love, it amazes people. How can God love me so much? Not only did he love so much but he gave his best. And when Christ surrendered his life on the cross he did it out of love. That is why his death is still effective even in our days to save lives. His sacrifice wasn't selfish, not pre-meditated to earn points from the Jews or Romans or even his disciples. It was for some of us who would never have the opportunity to know God had Christ not given himself. And this is the kind of love Paul is asking us to emulate. To have a thoughtfulness and unselfish concern for others, regardless of their circumstances or station in life. To be able to love and give to others unselfishly, without the fanfare and paparazzi. Is it possible? In our scripture above, we are being taught that if love isn't the basis of our doing , we might just as well have thrown our money, time and gifts into the sewer. Without love, all our intentions and actions have a zero effect. May we learn to  love genuinely. May genuine love and concern lead our efforts and actions. May we love God with all of ourselves as he loves us.

Let's pray: Father, teach us to love like you. Please give us unselfish hearts. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen