For we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God's promises]. 2 Corinthians 5:7 AMP

Have you realized how quick it is for weeds or dust to overtake you when you stop cleaning? And you wonder what happened? I didn't mop or dust for only a day. One day? That's more than enough time for the dust or weeds to return to the places you've been meticulously cleaning. That's exactly how quickly fears and doubts override us when we stop walking in faith. When we stop for just a moment and take our eyes off God, we open up cracks for the dust to settle, for weeds to grow in the pristine regions of our spirits. Before long, we're doubting and second guessing what God is doing right for us. Don't stop walking in faith; keep moving, keep in tune with God's word and live as if you believe him to do exactly what he says. The Israelites wanted a leader they could see. So they rejected God and asked for a King. As if that wasn't enough they set up idols so they could see what they were worshipping. May that not be our unwise choices. Our circumstances may dictate otherwise but we don't have to allow them a chance to overwhelm us. When adversity screams at us, scream back loudest with The Word of God. If God is still carrying the world with everything in it and hasn't dropped it yet, what makes us think he will drop us? Walk in faith and see how God will react to your faith.

Let’s pray: May your words, your integrity and truth be evidenced in our lives Jehovah God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen