Say to those with an anxious and panic-stricken heart, 'Be strong, fear not! Indeed, your God will come with vengeance [for the ungodly]; the retribution of God will come, but He will save you". Isaiah 35:4 AMP

After reading such scripture what more needs to be added to it? It's filling and complete to any worried or panic-stricken person. Have you seen those t-shirts with the inscription "keep calm I'm a legend" or some other interesting quote? As children of God I believe ours should read "keep calm I'm walking with the Eternal God" or "keep calm God is with me". Or some other catchy but factual statement about who we are and who walks with us. We also need to have it imprinted in our hearts even if we don't have the T-shirt yet. We should never forget who we are to God. Are you fearful or panicking about the things you wanted but are yet to get? It's an honest human feeling but just like Christ asked, 'by worrying can you add a cubit to your life"? Will worrying or having anxiety attacks solve the case? Instead of worrying why not pray? Why not involve God? This is the third time in a week that we're being encouraged to be strong and not to fear. Our scripture tells us God, even our Mighty God will come to our aid. He will answer, he will deal with anyone or anything frightening us. And he will save us from that situation. What else is left to fear? Keep calm. God is here for you and for me.

Let's pray: Father, anytime our hearts are fearful remind us that you're standing right next to us. By your power, deal with all the things that are frightening us and set us free. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen