And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health and complete wholeness in your presence. Acts 3:16 AMP

There is so much power in the name of Jesus Christ. In Philippians, we learn that this name is above every other name. Not only on earth but under the earth, in the seas and it's depths and even in worlds to come. The Bible also teaches us that this name is above principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, witches and wizards. In the book of Proverbs, we read that the name is a strong tower providing security for us. When we mention this name, it acts like we've run into a military base for protection. We dare not trivialize this name if it contains such power. We do not have to attach it to any filthy act or filthy words. We cannot lie and then swear by this powerful name hoping to make it right. It is wrong. We cannot misuse the name. The Bible specifically tells us that we should not take the Lord's name in vain, that is irreverently. If demons tremble when we mention the name of Jesus Christ then we need to ensure we don't use it while it tarnishes God's image. We also know that faith in this very name produces healing, wholeness, miracles, signs and wonders. What name will we be calling upon when we need help? Jesus Christ. What name will we call upon when we need stubbornly shut doors to open? Jesus Christ. When we're being chased and need respite and protection, we will call on Jesus Christ. By faith and in faith, we will apply the name of Jesus Christ and we will see him move in our lives.

Let's pray: Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. Jesus Christ, light of the world. Jesus Christ, come into every aspect and detail of our lives. Bless and protect us. When we call you, hear and answer us speedily. In your name Jesus Christ, we have prayed. Amen