Jesus said to him, "I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me". John 14:6

During his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ said and did a lot of things that proved that indeed he is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Throughout his ministry, he taught through imagery, what the kingdom of God was. He gave several relatable imagery so we could grasp it. In this scripture however, there's no imagery or parables; he tells it directly as it is. It is a One Way Road to God and it passes through him and nothing or no one else. If it's so clear in the Bible, how did we get it so wrong? To look for intermediaries or help-me-get-there routes? If we've strayed off, today is a good reminder to return to The Way. Jesus goes on further to confirm that he is the real deal. He said he is the 'real Truth'. What Truth? That from the foundation of the world, God had made provision to save mankind, to provide a saviour, to give his Son as a living sacrifice. That's the plain truth. Jesus is the truth of God's word and the truth in God's word. Everything he has said will come to pass. He is The God who does not lie. If we believe that God doesn't lie, why do we find it difficult in accepting his words? In John 1:4, we read that Jesus is Life. In him is life, and the life he gives provides light to us. Do you have this light? Do you have this life? Jesus Christ is the way, he gives life and his words are truth. There is no salvation in any other name. And no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

Let's pray: Jesus Christ, save me. Walk with me closely so I don't stray. Fill me with your life and light. Amen.