Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life". John 8:12 AMP

Darkness and light have a power dynamic relationship. Darkness has a way of pure intimidation; intimidating everything and everyone with its presence. It magnifies simple objects into monstrous shapes. It magnifies a bit of uncertainty into boulders of panic and fear. It makes the unknown frightening. Yet, as soon as light appears, it fades into nothing. It doesn't have the urge to discuss with light if it can stay a bit. At the presence of light, darkness gives way. Power pass power! Wouldn't it be worth it to have this light? For life and throughout life? The only light that has no meter to check consumption or regulatory body is Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. He is on 24/7, for life and even beyond. John 1:9 tells us that Christ is the 'genuine, steadfast, perfect light', who lightens and enlightens us. In Christ, all darkness disappears. In practice, it means if we have Christ, or if we add Christ to our daily living, any form of darkness, and that could be anything that overshadows us or causes fear and panic, that darkness has to flee. No questions, no argument. Light and darkness don't live together.  We cannot have Christ and entertain darkness. Don't entertain any darkness, bring in the Light. Call on Christ - daily, around the clock.

Let's pray: Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, come into my life. Put me in your spotlight, shine your light on me. Let your light surround me. In your name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen