You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being]. Deuteronomy 6:5 AMP

Our relationship with God is a personal bond. Even though we're encouraged to assemble together in praise and worship, it is a more deeper and intimate relationship than just a weekly gathering. We can't leave our relationship to the few hours we meet in church. And importantly, we can't ride on someone else's relationship with God and claim it as our own. We have to build our own intimacy with God. We have to grow our own personal space with God. We need to get to the place where we know God for ourselves through personal experiences. If we don't or haven't yet tasted and experienced God on a personal platform, then we need to check our relationship. We can't love God and not know it. We can't be in an intimate relationship and not know it.  What our scripture is asking us to do, is to fall flat in love with God. He should fill our waking up thoughts. He should be the last thing on our minds. And believe me this kind of love isn't reserved for Pastor's or Minister's of God only. God shares his love to everyone and with everyone. He didn't pick Pastor's or Minister's only to benefit from the death and resurrection of Christ. His love is shed abroad to whosoever will receive him and love him back. May we learn to give God our all and our best. May we reciprocate this love. May we find intimacy in our relationship with God. May we be all in for God.

Let's pray: Father, come into my heart today. Renew our love. Come and stay. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen