"Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the Lord. "Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?" says your God. Isaiah 66:9 AMP

Do you think God can dangle a juicy fat carrot before you, and just as you were reaching out to take it, he would pull it back out of your reach? Or, will he give you a gift and then take it back? Even we, fickle us we are do not take back the gifts we've already given out. If we don't, why should God? God is not a God of abandoned projects. He's the first and the last; anything he starts he will surely finish. That's why we don't need to doubt God's words or promises to us. That's why we don't need to think about God as if he were another human being. He won't say what he can't do. If he did not spare his son and freely gave him up for us, what good thing will God withhold from us? Will he, who is the Father of all good gifts not be capable of giving us good gifts? How will you answer God? Can we trust him to see us through what he has promised or would we walk away because we don't trust God to deliver? Will you refuse his gift because you think he will take it back from you? This question is for you and I. How will we answer? May we get to that place where we trust God implicitly and explicitly. May we learn to see his hand in all of our concerns. May we trust God enough to run when he tells us to move.

Let's pray: Father, give us more faith and belief in who you are. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray