For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made] so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defence. Romans 1:20 AMP

God doesn't need to convince us that He is. Everything around us shows us that God is. Just as we cannot see the wind yet we feel it on our faces, and in the movement of leaves and trees and other things around us, so is God invisible yet available. We might not see him but his immense power and love is available to us. If He can keep the waters of this world from falling off the face of the earth, then surely he can keep us too. Unlike those idols some people carve out, our God is unseen yet present in everything around us. Have you not had a 'feeling', a knowing, that something wasn't right? Have you not felt a nudge to choose something and it has been right? Have you not had a moment when God's word has come alive for you? Even if we've not yet had such a personal experience, God's presence is revealed to us every day. Waking up each morning is a miracle on it's own. No one can say God doesn't exist, it's only an excuse not to surrender to him, because we are surrounded by his masterpieces and his deep wisdom. Just look around you and you will see the presence of this immortal, invisible yet ever present God.

Let's pray: open our eyes to see you Father God. Open our hearts to feel you. Speak to us and show us you. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen