
For the Lord God helps Me, therefore, I have not been humiliated. Therefore, I have made my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. Isaiah 50:7 AMP

This scripture should be every child of God's slogan. We should be chanting this verse at all times and in all situations because it brings peace and security; as well as a warning to anyone or anything that attempts to come against us. It's a reminder to them to think twice before rising up against us. And for us, it is an assurance, a strong confidence in our God and Helper. Just in case they didn't know, our God helps us in all situations and in all circumstances. Just in case those who come against us have forgotten, our God fights for us in every battle; and he's never lost a war. That's how good he is, and how protected we are. In Isaiah 54:15, God tells us that whoever attacks us will fall flat on their faces because he's not authorized it and he won't authorize any evil against us. You may be wondering why then do bad things happen to God's children? No human being, can assume for God. No human being, can explain God's ways fully. His wisdom and his ways are far beyond ours. All we know is that, He knows the way and we will follow. As the Good Shepherd, we will allow him to lead us and like Isaiah says 'we will set our face like flint'. We will stand with this God through thick and thin knowing that all things will work out for our good. Convinced without a shadow of doubt that he will not allow us to be disgraced. Therefore, we will walk in the truth of his word and remind ourselves and anyone who cares to know that our God helps us and we will not be put to shame.

Let's pray: Abba Father, stand with us, by us and for us all the days of our lives. Enforce your words in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen