Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. Ephesians 5:1 AMP

Some clips of toddlers imitating their parents have been circulating on social media. They're holding a conversation using words and gestures they've seen their parent using; or they're praying and acting out what they often see at home.  From their words and actions, you can guess which of the parents they're copying and we can tell from these funny clips what's actually going on in their houses. Can we imitate God? How long have we been in a relationship with God? Do we know him well to live and show his life in and around us? You see, when we imitate God and act like he does, we don't do it only for those in our households. It becomes the life we live. People should be touched when we come into contact with them. People should leave blessed when they leave our side. People should tell a marked difference when they spend time with us. Anyone and everyone should be able to testify by our lives that we're children of God.  Can someone spending time in your company, tell by your words and actions that you're imitating your heavenly Father? Or it's only the earthly attributes we're exhibiting? May our speech show genuine grace and love; may our actions bless others and may the world see God in us.

Let's pray: Father, make us like you. Change us from the inside out to resemble you more and to do like you do. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen