For the ways of man are directly before the eyes of the Lord, and he carefully watches all of his paths [all of his comings and goings]. Proverbs 5:21 AMP

If we knew God was watching us, directly and closely, would that change the way we act and speak? Would that influence our choices and decisions? Would it make us live life differently? I mean like boost our confidence, faith and courage? I'm sure it would. But do you know God is watching us? Closely and directly? Read the scripture again. Our ways, the plain and the hidden are totally bare before him; nothing is hidden from his sight. That's why he can reach out and pull us out of trouble or step in and open closed doors for us. He sees us at every point of our need, at every turn that we make. He carefully watches our paths and if we've committed our ways to Him, he will walk with us. In much the same way, all our not so good deeds and crooked ways are before him. The haughtiness of pride and ego, every misspoken word, every deed that goes against his glory and word, our motives and the ways we manipulate others; everything lies open before God. If you knew God was watching, and now you do know he is, will this influence your motives, choices and your actions?

Let's pray: Father, my ways may not be pretty or straight. But I ask that you will never take your eyes off me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen