Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:8-9 KJV

Who can out give God? There is absolutely no one. Who is more merciful than God? No one. Who loves more than God? Absolutely no one. For his wonderful gifts to us every day, we have a duty and an obligation to thank him, from the bottom of our hearts. From the time we were born up until now, God continues to bless us with great gifts; free gifts. Not once has he withheld any good from us. Not once has he asked us to pay him. Consider your own age and consider the many years you have been receiving from God's hands. We have a duty and an obligation to thank God profusely. Consider the many mistakes we make on a daily basis; yet he doesn't judge or punish us as we deserve. His mercy is a constant reminder of the goodness of God. That alone, deserves our eternal gratitude. Praise God for His unending love that picks us up each time we fall. He loves us through our gaps, our ups and our downs. Even when we give up on ourselves, God's love reaches out to us. If we, who have received so much do not praise God, who will? May we live a life that acknowledges God's goodness. May we join the chorus of saved souls to broadcast God's wonders to the ends of the world.

Let’s pray: we praise you eternal God. We thank you for your wonderful works towards us. Accept us and our thanksgiving. Amen