And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Jesus. Then Peter began to speak and said unto Jesus. Mathew 17:3-4a AMP

I'm sure most of us know the transfiguration story, but we've never noticed what actually went on. Read the scripture again until you get it. Moses and Elijah were speaking with Jesus and Peter interrupted them. It says "Peter began to speak". If only Peter had listened to the conversation, if only he'd kept quiet, if only he had waited a bit. Due to his interruption, we've missed out on what they were discussing. We've missed out on the deep revelations they were sharing with Christ. We've lost out on spiritual secrets we could have stood on to touch heaven. When you continue reading, God had to step in to tell Peter and the others to shut up and listen to Christ. But by then the conversation was over. Seriously Peter! Was this the time to do a voice over? But like Peter did, we also do the same. How many times do we miss what God is saying because we're not paying attention? How many times do we miss heavenly secrets because we're prattling on and on? How many times do we miss the glory moment because we're focused on unnecessary stuff? Who needs booths when the secrets are being released right now? Peter has caused us to miss some great insights but we can learn from that and key in to what God is saying to us now. May we not miss our glory moments in God's presence.

Let's pray: Open my spiritual eyes and ears Father God. Let me see and hear from you clearly. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen