My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being formed in secret, and intricately and skilfully formed [as if embroidered with many colours] in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:15 AMP

When the Master Craftsman finishes any piece of work, all there is to say is 'this is good'. And that's what God said after he had created man in his own image and likeness. He affirmed his created work, and he affirmed us as "good". In this Psalm, David goes further to explain how special we have been made. If you've ever seen a Potter at work, you will understand that they choose the clay to work with carefully. Then they knead it to get all the 'kinks' out before putting it on the wheel to mould it. Even on the wheel, they carefully draw out the beauty in the clay to get the finished work of art.  Not everyone can turn a lump of clay into a thing of beauty. Not everyone can mould clay into a piece of art. It takes skill, patience, love and expertise. God specifically picked us, wove his love and spirit and goodness intricately into our human frame. He skillfully picked and added all what we would need to live life here. He carefully deliberated on the choice pieces to add to each individual's frame. We were fearfully and wonderfully made. The next time we are tempted to look down on ourselves, may we remember we're fearfully and wonderfully made. May we remember that we're one of a kind; limited edition. May we place value on ourselves even as God places a premium on us. May we not degrade the Master's work of art.

Let's pray: Thank you Father for making me a worthy vessel fit for your purpose and fit for the Kings use. Amen