While being reviled and insulted, He did not revile or insult in return; while suffering, He made no threats [of vengeance], but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges fairly. 1 Peter 2:23 AMP

Humility. We're not talking about the superficial veneer we show, to accumulate points from others, but the deeply ingrained virtue of modesty and humility. If you were Christ, knowing all the power available to you, from God and from heaven, would you have gone through with the Cross? Be honest! Would you have quietly stood by while the riff-raffs insulted and hit you? People you created yourself and gave them life. I know I wouldn't and I'm sure you wouldn't either. We're quick to remind people who we are, what we have and whom we know. We proudly flaunt our wealth, status and accomplishments at the least provocation. We've turned into a prideful and entitled generation. We can't wait to show off who we are and what we have. Humility doesn't mean we're doormats and can't stand up for ourselves. It means exhibiting grace and modesty even in times of correction. It means showing mercy to others even in dire circumstances. It means living like Christ. Where pride and arrogance will not allow us in, humility will blow open the doors for us.

Let's pray: Father, please give us the spirit of humility. Remove pride and arrogance far away from us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen