Children of God without blemish in the midst of a [morally] crooked and [spiritually] perverted generation, among whom you are seen as bright lights [beacons shining out clearly] in the world [of darkness]. Philippians 2:15b AMP

Have you ever experimented with light in the dark? Even with a matchstick? As soon as there's a spark, darkness shifts away and there's a hub of light. More and more, our world is growing darker and darker. War clouds are looming angrily on the horizon, civil unrests in almost every corner of the globe, diseases and famine, on and on. But, as children of The Light, we can light up the world in our own small way. We can bring light by sharing the good news of the gospel with others. We can encourage and bring hope back to those who have lost it. We can pray for God to intervene in the affairs of our nations, our communities and our neighbours. In fact, we can pray to God to intervene in our own lives as well. We can dispel every darkness by shining brighter. Lights don't dim because there's so much darkness around. On the contrary, a single burning light can bring change on the scene by displacing the dark. How bright are we shining? Are we dimming our lights so we can blend into the shadows? May we keep shining irrespective of the darkness around us. May we shine so bright those drowning will see our light and come to us. May we light up our world.

Let's pray: Father, reflect your light in me so I can distribute it all around. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen