Then go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee [as He promised]. There you will see Him; behold, I have told you. Matthew 28:7 AMP

Have you heard? Can it be? Could it be true? Can we believe that he's truly alive? What if it turns out to be a false rumour? Our hopes will be dashed more than when we saw him die. I wasn't there but I'm sure these were some of the thoughts running through the minds of Christ's followers. And if we're being honest with ourselves, we still have some of these doubts today. But yes, we can believe that he is risen, praise God. He wasn't seen only by his disciples, that would have been one-sided; but he was seen by many. Did you notice the promise in the resurrection announcement?  Not only is he risen to give us hope to believe, but he's gone ahead of us.  We are assured that our tomorrow will be great. Because he's gone ahead of us, every crooked place will be made straight; before we get there, he's smoothed all the rough patches and spaces. He did it for his disciples and he's doing it for you and me also. Therefore, we have much to rejoice over. Not only is he risen, hallelujah, not only is he alive, praise God! but he's also ensuring our future will always be good.

Let's pray: Hallelujah! Christ Jesus is alive. Thank you Jesus for securing my today and tomorrow. Because of your resurrection my tomorrow will always be good. Hallelujah!