You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste (purpose), how can it be made salty? Mathew 5:13a AMP

When we read this and the verses following, Jesus uses salt and light to describe how we are able to influence our world and the lives around us. Salt is a preservative and as heavenly preservatives, we have to preserve our society from moral decay. Salt also adds taste, it makes food sweet not like sugar but in it's own way. We, as children of God should make God taste better to others by and through our daily living; to make Christ attractive not contentious. Jesus used the qualifier you. You means you. It's a personal call for each of us to speak up, to preserve and advocate godly values. In the same way adding salt makes food taste better, we have to influence our world around us. If we don't speak up our world is going to grow darker and darker. If we don't shine and preserve godly values, very soon the darkness will win. We cannot hide under the bushel and say "this is none of my business", "it doesn't concern me". If salt doesn't salt the food what is it good for? If light doest shine, what's it's use? You and I have been placed where we are to make an impact, to influence lives, to change our world. Don't blend in because very soon you might find you've lost your saltines and your light has dimmed. Don't compromise on your values, it's what makes you. Don't aim to be politically correct, very soon you will be tasteless and filled with impurities.

Let's pray: Keep me shining Lord, in this dark world. Keep my saltines Lord so I taste good for you and the world. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen