And the Word (Christ) became flesh, and lived among us; and we [actually] saw His glory, glory as belongs to the [One and] only begotten Son of the Father, [the Son who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, who is]full of grace and truth (absolutely free of deception). John 1:14 AMP.

If we truly believe God and the Bible, then we know that we cannot speak about God or Christ Jesus in the past tense. True he was there in the beginning before any of us was born, but, he's with us today and so we cannot be caught up only with God's past activities. He is ever living, ever present, now God. That's the beauty of Christianity; our God does not expire. He is the God who was there for our fathers in the past, he's here for us now and will be there for our generations after us. Our scripture says Jesus lived among them and they beheld his glory. Isn't Jesus still living with us today? Don't we still see his glory in our lives? Experience his miracles too? Hear about wonderful testimonies from others? Meaning that Jesus is living with us in our present time. When we move away from the past tense, and see him in the present, in our day to day, current living, Jesus Christ becomes more real to us. May this Christmas be more meaningful as we see Jesus Christ in the present moment and not as a past memory we're celebrating. May we live in the now and experience him fully. May our eyes be opened to his presence and power in real time.
Let's pray: Father, help us to live in this moment with you and your Son Jesus Christ. May we not be caught up in the past and dream about the future. Let us see and experience you now. Amen