For I am the Lord their God, and I will listen and answer them. Zechariah 10:6b AMP

There is this tradition, of getting children to write or speak with Santa, asking for gifts they would like to receive on Christmas. It stems from a desire we have as humans, to receive gifts from a father figure, from someone who can provide our wants and needs; someone who can give freely without asking for anything in return. What we fail to realize is that we actually do have a better option than Santa.  He doesn't need to buy or borrow. He doesn't need to beg for it or take it from anyone. In fact, if he doesn't have, which is rare, he can create it out of nothing. Our God can and will satisfy our wants and needs. He said so himself. Our problem lies with the asking. It lies in the core of our hearts. Just like placing an order and making follow up calls to ensure the order is complete, so do we have to see our prayers through until there is an answer. Write them down if you have to, and cross them out after the answers have been received. However, we make the first call and drop it entirely. Then at another time, we remember and return to it; but we drop it just as quickly. I wonder how many undelivered answers are in God's storeroom? He said we should ask: He will listen and answer. Why stop asking when the answer hasn't been received?

Let's pray: Father, give us the strength and fortitude to continue in prayer until we have received all our bountiful answers and miracles from you. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen