Do you still not understand or remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you picked up? Mathew 16:9 AMP

We have very short memories when it comes to good things; the good things we have received, the good times or a good deed someone has done for us. Yet, we never forget the bad times or bad things people do or did against us. We remember it in detail. So soon, the disciples had forgotten the miracle of the five loaves and two fish and that of the seven loaves. Jesus hadn't gone anywhere, he was still with them, yet they couldn't figure out that if they didn't have bread, he could provide. That no matter the need, the God of impossibilities could provide for them. In 2 Kings 3:17 the verse tells us that we don't need to see everything aligned or in place before God provides. He can turn nothing into something. Like the disciples are we soon forgetting who our God is? Have you forgotten what God through Christ has done for us? Have we forgotten the testimonies we gave? Have we forgotten who God is and what he can do? Have we forgotten or are we forgetting that there is nothing too hard for this God.

Let's pray: Eternal Rock of Ages, the God who doesn't change or lie. If you have done it before then you can do it again. Do it for us one more time and let our joy be full. We will always return the glory back to you. Amen