Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His loving kindness (graciousness, mercy, compassion) endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for His loving kindness endures forever. Psalm 136:1-2 AMP

As a friend of mine will say: "God has done some". It's his own way of saying God has amazed him by the wonderful things he's experiencing from God. And I'm sure we can echo this sentiment; God has done us well, he's done some for us. He's been good to us and He's done amazing things for us for which we should be forever grateful. Most times, we're asked to count our blessings but how many of us actually do? It's a good practice to sit quietly for a few minutes and try to write out what God has done for us. What would be at the top of our list? Life. Health. Daily provision. Protection. Grace. Deliverance. Mercy. God's patience. Are you getting the drift? Someone stepped out of their house for a walk and got hit by a car. How many times have we not taken the same route and returned safely? Someone was in his own home eating when he choked and died on his own meal. We eat and walk away from the table every day. Are you getting it? Someone wore double masks and still contracted Covid. We walked about without masks and yet nothing happened to us. Let's take the time to thank God properly and show gratitude for what he's done and doing for us. In that way, he can release more of his goodness, his gifts and graciousness to us.

Let's pray: We are grateful for the gift of life and the present of each new day. We are grateful for all you do that we take for granted. Accept our gratitude today Father Lord. Forgive our ingratitude and have mercy on us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen