Paul, an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed), by the will of God [that is, by His purpose and choice]. Ephesians 1:1 AMP

Have you heard an officer of state heralding the presence of dignitaries in before?  His Royal Highness of the Kingdom of So and So, or His Excellency from this country, etc. It's so honouring especially  when you hear about their background, honours and their achievements. In our chosen passage for the day, we're hearing God announcing or heralding Paul. "A special messenger, chosen by God, a personally chosen representative, picked by the will of God". We can also be announced in our lifetime just like Paul because we've all been commissioned as messengers of God, special representatives to spread the word of the kingdom. Did we refuse God's assignment? Did we refuse to be messengers for God? Have we resigned or retired from Kingdom work? Wouldn't it be great to be introduced as "God's own messenger". To be heralded as "God's representative"?  We can begin today by doing that which God has assigned to us. Instead of dreaming about how God can use us, we can begin acting out how God can use us. You and I are chosen children of God, special reps for the Kingdom. We need to be seen and heard. Importantly, we need to act in our office of being a messenger of God. 

Let's pray: Thank you Father, for making me an emissary, a messenger of your Kingdom. May I begin to live out my mandate and purpose. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen