He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3b AMP

Whether we know it or not, we tend to follow people. Unconsciously, we pick up traits, mannerisms and consciously too, we follow directly in their footprints. We want to be or achieve what they have achieved, or be like them. In our times, more than before, we're following others on social media and in more ways than we know, they influence our lives and the direction we're taking. This year, may we make an about turn and ask God to lead us, to direct us. Instead of going off on a tangent and then trying to fix God into it, may we seek Godly direction before setting off. We cannot talk about God and tell others he's a Way Maker, He's the Omniscient, he's this and he's that if we don't give him the space to be exactly who he is to us. This year, may we seek God first before embarking on any enterprise. May we ask God to lead us in the paths of righteousness for His name and for his glory. May we ask for directions throughout the year so we don't end up lost and stranded.

Let's pray: so often we've gone ahead of you and led ourselves, pretending it's your course. Father, we're asking in the name of Jesus Christ that you lead us. Lead us right; beside still waters and in righteous paths. Amen