If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Mathew 7:11 KJV

Who can attempt to answer Jesus' question? If we, warped us we are, are doing everything in our power to leave some kind of legacy, properties, and generally ensuring our children have a good life, why won't God do even better for us? We are God's children. Irrespective of age, we are children compared to God who existed before time; and God has never called anyone his grandchild. If we are God's children, then why won't He give us good gifts when we ask him? He began the art of giving and taught us how to give. That is why he can out give us all the time.  And in his giving, God can do more than we ask or think. We think we know love, but God himself is Love. We think we love our children so much; but God loves them and us even better. May we not project our bad experience on God, He is not a man. And may we not let man's assumption of God's ways, stop us from asking. He has given us an open invitation: ask and it shall be given to you. So ask. For the big, the small, the one that we think is too grand and impossible. He's got the power and ability to provide, His integrity and name is at stake, and, he won't disappoint.

Let's pray: Father, we're in your presence again and we're asking for long life, best health, financial ascendency, ministry expansion and many more, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen