And when the headwaiter tasted the water which had turned into wine, not knowing where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew) he called the bridegroom. John 2:9 AMP

Somehow, we have been erroneously taught that God doesn't answer immediately. That God is slow. That God takes his time. And the worst of all is that God's silence on an issue means no. How did we get to this point, when God's very personality is that of miracles? How did God get the name "God of miracles"? That's because he works miracles and wonders. Unlike magic, a miracle is long lasting and doesn't vanish into chopped grass or cut up newspapers. The story above is one we all know: the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. The wine was finished, the guests were waiting. It was a dire situation, disgrace and shame were knocking on the door. Then the God of miracles stepped in. Let me ask you, wasn't the solution instant? Did Jesus say 'let me go and come'? Or 'let them wait a while'? It was done for them in that very space when the occasion demanded it. That's how God can do it for you and for me. He's still the God of miracles, his name hasn't changed and importantly he hasn't changed.

Let's pray: Father, I believe you can do it for me too. I believe you are the miracle worker. It doesn't matter how far gone or the state of affairs, please step in today and change the storyline for me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen