It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 AMP

There's a story, about a woman who needed a miracle from God, to access property that had been denied her for years. Year after year, the courts had rejected her appeals. The difference is this time, she had become a daughter of God and had asked her friends to pray with her.  One of her friends had told her "God never abandons his own" and truly, she finally won the case. God never abandons those who belong to him, he never abandons his own and he will never abandon us. Our scripture tells us that he will go before us, meaning that even before we arrive at the destination, he is there. And we all know God isn't idle. When he goes ahead of us, it's because he's going to work things out for us. And when we finally arrive, he will stand with and for us. He will not leave us alone to fend for ourselves. The truth of the matter is that, God's love is so strong he can never leave us alone. We may walk away but he's always there. This week, may God go ahead of us into any difficult situation or challenge; may he work his favour and grace even before we get there. And may God make every crooked place straight for us so we do not stumble or fall.

Let's pray: Father, we surrender our days and weeks into your hand. Go ahead and make every crooked place straight and when we call, please answer us with speed. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen