He will fulfil the desire of those who fear and worship Him [with awe-inspired reverence and obedience]; He also will hear their cry and will save them. Psalm 145:19 AMP

I'm not sure we need further convincing that God is indeed good. Not good once or twice, but good all the time because that's his nature. And in his goodness, he cares for us like no parent ever could. You think you love your children? And you would do anything for them? God loves you, his child, more than the love you're showing to your children, or spouse or whomever you are loving on. Our scripture today tells us that he will fulfil our desires, not even wants and needs. What we desire. But before we get to that place where he satisfies our desires, we should have cultivated a relationship of obedience. How long did it take you to hand over your car keys or ATM card plus secret PIN to your child? When that child proved they could be trusted. In the same way, if we obey God in all things, the big and the small, even our desires will be met. We've got some growing to do to get to this point though. But with God's care and guidance we can. Then even our whispers on our hearts will be met.

Let's pray: Grow us Father, into matured and obedient children, so our desires may be met. May we learn to obey you in every way. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen