In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. John 1:1 AMP

Glory hallelujah! We have made it into the New Year because God's loving kindness and mercy was upon us. The Bible confirms that God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning of all things and the ending. He is our all in all. Just as the Word was in the beginning, we need the word of God to begin this year with. We need God's word in all our endevours. The Bible tells us there was nothing that was created in it's own, all things came through God's word. In much the same way, we can frame our year by speaking and applying God's word to everything that concerns us. We have the power within us, as children of God, to speak and see God's words manifest in our lives. May we not just sit for a few minutes at God's feet, listen to his word just to cross over but not make his word a part of our daily lives. This year, let's challenge ourselves to take God's word and walk step by step and in tune with God. That is what will make a difference in our lives this year.

Let's pray: Father, we thank you for your love. This year make us lovers and doers of your word. Let your word bring life, health, favour and untold blessings into our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen