When King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes and he covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house (temple) of the Lord. 2 Kings 19:1 AMP

Who's your first point of call when something happens to you? Whom do you first talk to when you receive that good news you've been waiting for? Or when the news is not so good? When Hezekiah the king, received the bad news, he left the palace full of people: advisor's, counsellors, soldiers; people who could have provided some strategy or advice. He left men behind and went straight into the house of God. To talk to God first before seeking the counsel of man. He needed a source more powerful than the counsel of men. He needed God. God first and above all else. His posture was one of humility. He didn't go into the temple entitled to answers. He went into God's presence as an ordinary man, not in his royal robes, acknowledging the presence of the King of Kings. Sometimes, we talk to everyone but God. When we finally come into his presence, we ask him what he thinks about the advice men have given to us. We also come posturing and feeling entitled to receive. What have we done for God? It's his mercy, grace and love that makes him give. Like Hezekiah, may we run to God first; with the good, the bad and the nameless ones. May we come into God's presence as children, humble yet expecting to receive and above all may we reciprocate God's love through service to Him and his kingdom.

Let's pray: Be my first and my last dear God, in all aspects of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen