He who did not spare [even] His own Son, but gave him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32 AMP

Do you know the nickname given to someone who gives out a lot of gifts? Not necessarily wrapped up gifts, but someone who is generous and gives out freely? Yes you guessed right. He is named Father Christmas or Mother Christmas as the case may be. Our Heavenly Father is the original and unique Father Christmas. No one can out give God. Not only did he give us Jesus Christ but he gives us everything we ask for. You don't believe that? Read the verse again. "Along with Him, i.e. along with Jesus Christ, give us all things". He will give us all things along with Jesus Christ. He gives freely and generously and abundantly. God's giving is without measure. You might be wondering why you haven't received that thing you asked for yet. I cannot assume for God and make up a reason. However, if God is giving with Jesus Christ attached to the gift, we might just need to check if the asking glorifies God. For example, if we're asking for power to show off, or for a relationship that we know ourselves, doesn't glorify God; Would Christ want to come alongside the gift? Every gift comes with Christ alongside it so we can glorify God. If it doesn't, then we may want to reconsider our asking. If we ask according to his will, Father God Christmas will generously give. He will withhold nothing good from us.

Let's pray: Teach us to ask according to your will God, and with pure intentions. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen